Fuji Hakone Land Schole Plaza Hotel
By Car
⋅From Yoga Interchange take the Tomei Highway (30min.)
⋅At the Atsugi Interchange take the Odawara Atsugi Road then the Hakone Shindo (60min.) to Fuji Hakone Land Schole Plaza Hotel
For a stop at the Gotenba Outlet Mall:
⋅From Yoga Interchange take the Tomei Highway (70min.)
⋅At the Gotemba Interchange / from the Gotenba Outlet Mall, take the Otome Shindo Ashinoko Skyline (60min.) to Fuji Hakone Land Schole Plaza Hotel
From Nagoya via The Tomei highway:
⋅At the Nagaizumi Numazu Interchange, take the Izu Jukan Jidoshado (20min.) to the Mishima Tsukahara Interchange
⋅Take Route1 to Hakone Pass
⋅Take Route 20 to Fuji Hakone Land Schole Plaza Hotel
By Train and Bus
From Shinjuku Sta. on the Odakyu Romance Car Special Express (75min.) at Odawara Sta. take Hakone Tozan Bus (60min.) at Sekisho bus stop change for the bus (15min) to Fuji Hakone Land Schole Plaza Hotel
From Tokyo Sta. on the Tokaido Shinkansen (50min.) at Atami Sta. take the Hakone Tozan Bus (45min.) to Fuji Hakone Land Schole Plaza Hotel
*It takes 10min to walk from the "Fujihakone Land Iriguchi" bus stop. Please stay on the bus until "Fuji Hakone Land" bus stop.
Pic up service from Lake ASHINOKO FREE!
15min from Lake ASHINOKO by shuttle bus. Please make your reservation in advance of your stay.
In our shuttle bus, at the following times: 11:30, 12:30AM, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30PM
*Free WiFi is available at pic up point.
Pic up service from Odawara Sta. FREE!
It needs a reservation. Please make your reservation in advance of your stay.
In our shuttle bus, at the following times: 2:00PM Odawara Sta. west exit Tour Bus stop.
*Not available from 31 Dec to 3 Jan.